
"Heat Transport as Probe of Superconducting Gap Structure"

This paper by Shakeripour, Petrovic and Taillefer is a good resource for understanding thermal conductivity data for a superconductor.
The paper gives examples and brief explanations for the temperature and magnetic field dependence of thermal conductivity of fully gapped and nodal superconductors.

The paper is divided into four sections and a summary, but for now I will only outline the first 2:
  1. Residual heat conduction as T-> 0
  2. Magnetic Field Dependence

Linked Notes:
Field Dependence of Thermal Conductivity
Residual Heat Conduction as T -> 0

Thermal Conductivity

[1] H. Shakeripour, C Petrovic and Louis Taillefer NJP (2009) "Heat Transport as Probe of Superconducting Gap Structure"